Removing Barriers
Connect’s passion and commitment is to provide the highest quality service and products to our clients. We achieve this by producing accurate, accessible information in a variety of formats and inspirational, informative and engaging training. Our education resources and training are clear and accessible for all.
We offer resources in a variety of alternative accessible communication formats for people with a print impairment. This includes those with low vision, dyslexia, hearing impairment and other learning difficulties. We work with awarding organisations, local authorities, health care trusts, higher education providers and schools to provide educational resources and training.
No matter what industry you’re in, we proudly provide the accessible alternate print formats, Audio, Braille, Large Print and Easy Read solutions your company is looking for.
Working with
Improve your customer and employee experience
Connect removes technological and practical barriers to the disabled by providing organisations and individuals with the tools to access and exchange information.
Braille can be produced in different versions
Large Print
Large print comes in various versions
Audio can be human voice or synthetic speech
Accessible PDFs
Accessible PDFs which will work with text to speech and screenreader

We work with our clients through all stages of a project. We focus on building long-lasting, supportive relationships that promote good practice. We empower our clients to address the needs of customers and colleagues who have a print impairment.
Create an open doorway
Through supportive and transformational processes the Connect culture changes people’s lives for the better.