Author: Kirsty Macfarlane

The Benefits of Using Virtual Reality for CPD
The House of Commons 2016-2017 Retention and recruitment of teachers report has found that continued professional development “improves teaching practice, professionalism and can help improve teacher retention.” However, the same report has also found that England has had a weaker commitment to CPD than most high-performing countries and that “many teachers will not be doing … Continued

Introducing Our New Virtual Class
It’s time to say an extremely fond farewell to our current virtual class. While we’re sad to see Sean and his classmates go, we’re very excited to introduce you to our new C-Live class. C-Live now features a variety of classrooms with pupils in different year groups. We can also offer multiple class sizes, allowing … Continued

C-Live is a Bett Award Finalist!
Connect are thrilled to announce that we are Bett Award finalists for 2018, with our teacher training service C-Live, the first virtual reality training platform in the UK. The Bett Awards, now in their 20th year, are one of the education industry’s most esteemed accolades, and celebrate innovation and creativity in educational technology. C-Live, which … Continued

Improving University Recruitment And Retention
Recent surveys have left several UK universities falling behind bench marks set for student satisfaction. Furthermore, application rates have decreased in 2017 by 4%, while research from 2016 indicates that only 37% of British students believe that their university offers value for money. It is clear that many factors such as increased fees and less … Continued

Connect Are Now Working With Bath Spa University
Connect are delighted to announce they are working in association with the Institute for Education at Bath Spa University who will be using C-Live, our innovative teacher-training aid as part of their teacher training programmes from September onwards. Bath Spa is a teaching-led university, committed to promoting excellence which is one of many reasons why the Institute for Education … Continued

How To Ensure That CPD Has A Lasting Impact
Having previously discussed the effects that ineffective Continued Professional Development (CPD) can have, it is also worth thinking about how to ensure that any training undertaken has a lasting impact as even the best CPD can be rendered useless if it is not applied or monitored properly. How, then, can schools ensure that teachers receive … Continued

How To Avoid The Pitfalls Of Ineffective CPD
CPD for teachers offers a multitude of benefits ranging from improving pupil interaction skills to ensuring that they stay up-to-date with industry developments. However, while Continued Professional Development can increase teacher motivation, ineffective training can have the opposite effect. With teacher retention at the lowest level it has been in a decade, it is important … Continued

Supporting Pupils In The Transition From Primary To Secondary School
The transition from primary to secondary school can have a considerable impact on pupils’ lives. They will be facing many changes such as navigating their way around a new, often larger building, taking on new subjects and meeting new students. It is therefore unsurprising that 65% of pupils have stated that they feel anxious about … Continued

An Interview With Connect’s Lead Braille Designer
What does it take to learn braille? Connect’s Lead Braille Designer, Emilia discusses the learning process and describes what a typical day in the studio is like. Can you tell us a bit more about your role at connect? As Lead Braille Designer, I oversee the modifications, transcription, and quality control of all braille products. … Continued

What Should Pupils Do If They Fail Their GCSEs?
With exam results rapidly approaching, the next week is sure to be a stressful time for pupils who have recently taken their GCSEs. However, failing an exam is not the end of the world. There are many options available to students if they don’t obtain their desired marks. Talk to the school The first step … Continued