Author: Kirsty Macfarlane

Why Is CPD So important?
Thanks to the growth of online training, Continued Professional Development comes in a variety of forms, ranging from traditional school training days to e-learning. However, the overriding purpose remains the same: to help teachers continually improve the quality of their teaching. We have compiled a list of the main benefits that CPD can offer teachers, … Continued

5 Tips To Make Your Classroom More Inclusive
With 15% of pupils being identified as having special education needs and disabilities, inclusion is more important than ever. However, while this is something that schools strive for, it can be difficult to practise on a day-to-day basis. We’ve compiled a list of 5 easy and simple tips to help promote inclusion in your classroom … Continued

10 Ways To Relieve Exam Stress
With reports indicating that pupils worry more about exam results than they did several years ago, it’s no secret that this time of year can be very stressful for students. Recent research has suggested that rosemary can enhance memory skills, however we’ve put together a list of slightly more practical tips to relieve exam anxiety! … Continued

Introducing DEKKO COMICS!
Connect are delighted to introduce the latest addition to our online shop: Dekko Comics – a series of comics designed to teach children Maths, English and other curriculum subjects through fun characters and stories. Rossie Stone founded Dekko Comics to share a technique that helped him to achieve excellent marks in his exams … Continued

Connect at COBIS
Connect have been busy recently! We attended GESS Dubai in March, and this month we exhibited at the 36th COBIS Annual Conference in London. As always, we had a brilliant time meeting everyone, and we are delighted that our virtual reality classroom was a big hit! We were also very impressed by the guest speakers, … Continued

The Importance Of Mental Health Awareness Week
Mental Health Awareness Week was introduced 17 years ago by The Mental Health Foundation and continues to highlight the importance of good mental health. However, a recent report by the Education and Health Committees has found that mental health support for children in schools is lacking. The report discusses how, despite an increasing number of children … Continued