Category: Online Learning
Choosing Online Teacher Training
The internet has removed many obstacles to training, especially for those of us who are strapped for time. Online teacher training, or rather, training for teachers via an online service, is at last being seen by the profession as a valid method of CPD delivery. Online training, like any other type of training, covers the … Continued
How Do Small Groups Benefit Learners?
With increasing class sizes in many schools across the UK, it is understandable that many parents and carers may be anxious about how their offspring are coping in larger classes. It is not surprising that small group sessions, catch-up programmes and intervention strategies are being employed both in and outside of school time in an … Continued
Introducing connectEd
We’re delighted to introduce connectEd, our brand new online tutoring service which offers curriculum classes in a click. ConnectEd is an online platform allowing parents to easily login and connect with a qualified tutor who will assist their child in catching up with vital parts of the curriculum or help them to gain a head … Continued