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Connected Learning

connectEd learning: Image shows teacher and pupils at computer

The availability of technology for online learning has been around for well over a decade. The Anytime Anywhere Learning initiative that came out of the USA some years ago gained traction in the UK. This approach gives schools the room to develop their vision for extending and enhancing access to learning opportunities beyond the school timetable.

Advances in web technologies have changed and diversified the ways in which educators and learners consume and interact with content. It has facilitated collaborative engagement across time and distance in ways that have been challenging the traditional view of the educator’s role in classroom delivery. This has led to the concept of the ‘flipped classroom’ approach over the past decade.

Whatever one’s view about the use of web technologies for learning, these tools have become an integral part of the 21st Century educational landscape. When used effectively these tools contribute to personalised learning opportunities in which teachers work with learners to construct their learning pathway. Individuals also have the freedom to progress at their own pace according to their needs.

Many children and young people may be supported via alternative education provision for various reasons, either on a short or longer term basis. For example, those who are in hospital or recovering at home and others who are not able to access a full time school placement and need different provision.  Other learners may just need sessions to help them on a ‘sticky’ topic or because they might benefit from sessions tailored to their particular needs.

Learners learn best when they are actively engaged at the centre of the learning process and where they have opportunities to try out ideas and solutions in an environment that helps them to see themselves and their learning in a positive light. This includes being able to make ‘mistakes’ in the learning process as an acceptable, normal part of the process. These positives contribute to learners developing resilience as they work towards achieving their learning goals.

ConnectEd are making use of web technologies to provide online tutoring covering primary and secondary age pupils. This encompasses the core subjects, support for homework, and provision for those who need alternative education provision, as well as sessions for individuals within school during the day. ConnectEd’s online tutoring service encourages learners to ‘join the dots’ so they can make progress through engaging, well-planned and interactive sessions. To find out more, why not visit connectEd?

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