Author: Susan Day

Teacher Retention: Should I Stay Or Should I Go?
A famous song by The Clash but very much the tune of choice in many teachers’ heads. Teacher recruitment in the UK is reaching crisis point. By 2025 there will be 3 million pupils of secondary school age, but very few of these are choosing careers for themselves in the world of education. We hear every … Continued

Develop Your Interview Skills
I spent a really interesting afternoon recently with a group of young people who are preparing for the world of work by working on interview skills and discussing how ready they really are for the workplace. It has been a fascinating project working on body language, developing competency based answers to questions and encouraging … Continued

Why Accessibility is Important
What do YOU think of when you hear the word ACCESSIBILITY? Is it …. OR OR OR You may answer ALL of the above! Accessibility means giving people access to the world around them whether that be access to a building for a wheelchair user via a ramp or by producing an electronic book which … Continued

Virtual Reality
Virtual Reality has been used for training and education within the military, law enforcement and research labs for many years. Improvements in computer processing/graphics and a decline in cost has led to this technology now being accessible to a wider demographic of consumers. We are committed to changing the delivery method of education worldwide, by providing … Continued