Category: Access Arrangements

Connected Learning
The availability of technology for online learning has been around for well over a decade. The Anytime Anywhere Learning initiative that came out of the USA some years ago gained traction in the UK. This approach gives schools the room to develop their vision for extending and enhancing access to learning opportunities beyond the school … Continued

Supporting Pupils With SEND – Looking beyond the ‘label’
During my teaching degree a group of us decided to put a pamphlet together about Special Needs. We all had various reasons for our interest in SEN and wanted to inform our colleagues. With input from one of our lecturers, we drafted the content from a mix personal and general experiences. The aim was to … Continued

Which Accessible Formats Are Suitable For Your Organisation?
RNIB statistics have shown that half of blind or partially sighted people feel “moderately” or “completely” cut off from the world around them. They also predict that by 2050 the number of people with sight loss in the UK will double to nearly 4M, while a recent Action on Hearing Loss report indicates that the number … Continued

Introducing connectEd
We’re delighted to introduce connectEd, our brand new online tutoring service which offers curriculum classes in a click. ConnectEd is an online platform allowing parents to easily login and connect with a qualified tutor who will assist their child in catching up with vital parts of the curriculum or help them to gain a head … Continued

A Week in the Life Series: Episode 4 – ‘Moving Forward’
“As you know we have almost completed our assessment process and thought it might be a good point to have a chat with you both to see if you have had a chance to read the assessment reports and discuss how things have been going…” The reassuring voice of the lead psychologist invited comment. It … Continued

A Week in the Life Series: Episode 3 – “A Testing Time”
With an internal sigh the SENCO considered the forms in front of her on the desk, and the possible options open to them, was it necessary to place Jack onto the next stage of the school SEN register, and if so on what basis? It seemed to be the next logical stage in the process, … Continued

A Week in the Life Series: Episode 2 – “I am going to get it right!”
“Oh, Oh, I know Miss…Miss!” as Jack thinks of a good reason and shoots up his hand in an effort to gain his teacher’s attention. “Yes, Salu, what do you think?” as the teacher scans the room ignoring Jack’s noisy hands-up in favour of one of the ‘quiet’ hands waiting to contribute. Jack, beginning to … Continued

A Week in the Life Series: Episode 1 – What is up with that child?
A parent walks wearily up to the school gate at the end of another long day. Already feeling frazzled and wondering how the next four hours or so until bedtime will go today, this parent arrives in time to overhear a small group huddle together, commenting, “That child just seems all over the place, can’t … Continued