Category: Accessibility

Connected Learning
The availability of technology for online learning has been around for well over a decade. The Anytime Anywhere Learning initiative that came out of the USA some years ago gained traction in the UK. This approach gives schools the room to develop their vision for extending and enhancing access to learning opportunities beyond the school … Continued

It Takes A Village To Raise A Child
Mental health in schools has been given a lot of consideration with The Prime Minister stating in January that 1,200 secondary schools were to receive Mental Health First Aid training, while Prince William raised the issue of mental health when he talked about his own experiences. The charity Young Minds states, “1 in 10 children and young … Continued

Remember, Remember!
Learning relies heavily on our short-term or working memory. Some pupils seem to struggle with carrying out and completing tasks, while other pupils seem to have very few problems. Among the different reasons for struggle, working memory issues are a contributing factor. Picture working memory as a mental ‘note pad’ in which we hold a … Continued

Research Supports Writing Ideas
In my articles on encouraging reluctant writers over the past year or so, I have proposed various activities that can stimulate, motivate and assist our young writers with this process. These ideas emerged out of the need to support students of various ages, some with specific difficulties and/or memory issues which affected their writing processes, … Continued

The Assistive Side Of Ed Tech
We jump in our car, turn it on and expect it to get us from A to B without needing to understand its internal workings, unless one happens to be into vehicle mechanics. Most of us approach the use computing devices in the same way; we turn it on, expect it to work and call … Continued

The Importance Of Drama And Theatre In Education
Most people are familiar with the Chinese proverb “tell me and I will forget. Show me and I will remember. Involve me and I will understand. Step back and I will act”. Theatre in education is the embodiment of this sentiment. Embracing the pupil as an active participant in the learning process. This empowers the … Continued

Autumn Colours: Seasonal Motivation For Writing
“To everything – turn, turn, turn, there is a season turn, turn, turn…” So sang The Byrds, in their 1965 version of Pete Seeger’s song. Which brings us to the turning of the season, when summer struggles to hold on before gracefully bowing down to the colours of Autumn’s majestic cloak. Words can tickle the … Continued

JCQ Access Arrangement Update
It is that time in the education calendar when the latest Access Arrangement regulations are updated from the JCQ. Having read through the updated regulations this last week I thought it might be helpful to bring to your attention a few of the highlights that I have noted have appeared and to offer a relevant … Continued

An Interview With Connect’s Lead Braille Designer
What does it take to learn braille? Connect’s Lead Braille Designer, Emilia discusses the learning process and describes what a typical day in the studio is like. Can you tell us a bit more about your role at connect? As Lead Braille Designer, I oversee the modifications, transcription, and quality control of all braille products. … Continued

Which Accessible Formats Are Suitable For Your Organisation?
RNIB statistics have shown that half of blind or partially sighted people feel “moderately” or “completely” cut off from the world around them. They also predict that by 2050 the number of people with sight loss in the UK will double to nearly 4M, while a recent Action on Hearing Loss report indicates that the number … Continued